The 3 ways today’s full moon could impact your sleep

  • 6:16 ET, Nov 19 2021

IF you’re an early rise then you might have had chance to see the start of the Beaver Moon eclipse this morning.

But the lunar eclipse of the Beaver ‘blood’ Moon is likely to leave you feeling a little unsettled, experts have warned.

The full Beaver moon early this morning above Sheerness in Kent
The full Beaver moon early this morning above Sheerness in KentCredit: Alamy

The Beaver Moon is a native American name for the November full moon.

This is because November is seen as the time that the Beavers, nature’s architects, start to retreat into their lodges, ready for the colder weather.

It was during this full moon that Beaver hunters would set up traps, hoping to land a good crop of their fur.

It started at 7.18am this morning and is set to last around six hours.

The Beaver Moon means there is less night at night, with the moon’s unlit side facing the earth.

This could alter how much and often you rest – leaving you feel out of sync.


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Dr Elisabeth Philipps, nutrition and CBD expert from fourfive said that a full moon has been known to reduce sleep time, impact the hours of deep sleep in a sleep cycle and also increase the time it takes to fall asleep.

The NHS says adults need between six and nine hours sleep every night, but one expert said there are three main ways that the Beaver Moon would mean you’re not getting the recommended amount.

Experts say that the peak of the full moon can leave us on edge and Brits experienced this first thing this morning, meaning that it’s likely you’ll have disturbed sleep this evening.

Astrologer Inbaal Honigman said the moon has a deeper connection to planet earth than many people think and that it’s this connection that means we will feel unsettled.

The first way the Beaver Moon will impact your sleep, Inbaal who is working with MattressNextDay said is that it could take you five minutes longer to fall asleep.

Scientists in Switzerland previously found that on the night of the full moon it takes people on average five more minutes to fall asleep.

Inbaal explained: “The moon controls the tides, pulling water towards the shore and releasing it back again.

“The average body is made up of 70 per cent water. If the moon can move whole oceans, imagine the effect it has on our bodies when trying to relax.”

The second way it can impact your sleep, Inbaal says, is that you can actually lose 20 precious minutes of slumber.

The same Switzerland sleep study found that the average person sleeps for 20 “minutes less on the night of a full moon.

In addition, on the days leading up to the full moon, and after, both men and women had lower evening levels of the essential sleep hormone, melatonin.

“This is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle as it helps your body synchronise with both night and day”, Inbaal added.

Finally Inbaal said the Beaver Moon can also impact your sleep as it can decrease the time spent in deep sleep by 30 per cent.

Inbaal added: “Another four-year study found that during the time of the full moon, brain activity related to deep sleep dropped by 30 per cent, despite no other aspects of their sleep routine changing.

“This can explain why the morning after a full moon, you can wake up groggier as opposed to more energised.”


While you might be worried about waking up groggy tomorrow because of the Beaver Moon, the experts say there are things you can do to prevent feeling tired.

Both Dr Philipps and Inbaal say that planning a relaxing night can help you through the Beaver Moon.

Taking a hot bath and increasing relaxation with aids such as CBD can help, Dr Phillips explained.

The experts also recommended lowering screen time around three hours before bed.

This is because bright lights emitted from screens can trigger the brain into feelings of alertness

Dr Philips also recommended wearing socks to bed.

She said: “Having warm hands and feet can help you to fall asleep faster. Speed up the process and wear some cosy socks to bed to keep those toes warm.”

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